Friday, 28 August 2015

Beautiful Books Part III - An Antique Books Guide

Here is part three of the 'Beautiful Books' series. These posts aims to showcase how amazing antique books can be. Whether you want to decorate a room, are searching for a new read or just want some inspiration for your bookshelf, thee photos below show a wide range of beautiful antique books. Please share if you like!

Thanks - please +1!

Thursday, 27 August 2015

The Art of Illuminating - An Antique Books Guide

Illuminating or Illumination is the art of embellishing words and letters in a decorative way. Put simply, illumination makes writing beautiful. It's rare and amazing if done right.

Some bibles and other religious works are lucky enough to have been illuminated and this is often done with gold and other colours too to create an artistic and extravagant effect. Below is one of the best examples around - a 19th century missal.

Take a look!

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