Monday 19 August 2013

eBay - How To Upload Photos For Free GUIDE (Repost)


A common problem that many face with eBay is the cost of listing photographs. You want to amply show your item but cannot afford to pay for 12 photos at 12p each.
Well, here is a guide that aims to run through free photo uploading to eBay.
This process is perfectly within eBay regulations and also quite simple.
By following these steps you will be able to insert as many photographs as you like for no extra cost!

Step 1. Register

There are several websites that allow you to upload photos for viewing but I find the easiest.
Simply log on and register.

Once you have an account set up you can begin to upload your photographs.
Remember that the smaller size they are, they quicker it will be to upload

After clicking 'Upload' you will see the option to 'Choose photos and videos' - click on the box.

You will then be greeted with the standard Explorer browser as seen below - highlight your chosen photographs here after locating them.
You can select multiple photographs if you hold Ctrl whilst clicking.

Select 'Open' and then wait for them to upload. If you have a free account (which I recommend) you will be shown an advert - this can be clicked on to stop. 

Once they have uploaded you will be able to see the photographs shown in miniature.
Next, click on the top bar under 'Library' and find 'Recent Uploads' as seen below.

Under 'Recent Uploads' you will see the photographs you have uploaded. Click on the photo you want to upload to eBay first of all.

You will then be shown the photo in large. Here you can choose to edit the photo if you want (ie rotate etc)
When you are happy, click the HTML link as seen below

No need to right click here - if you simply click on the HTML link it will automatically copy.

Now go to your eBay listing - if you don't know how to list please feel free to read my Book Listing Guide:

If you have your listing, scroll down to the description as seen below and click 'HTML', just under 'Add a description'.

Now you are in HTML mode which means you can simply paste the link you copied earlier.
If you have multiple links repeat the process of clicking on the photo in Photobucket and pasting it here.

 Switch back to 'Standard' by clicking the 'Standard' tab just next to 'HTML'
And there you have it - your photo will now appear in the text section.

Once you are happy with the position and with your description then finish the listing.
A tip: Remember to write at the beginning of the description box that there are 'photos below' so that users know to scroll down.
It is also useful to put all of the writing before the photo's.

And there you have it - free photo uploads.
Make sure you still use the standard eBay photo lister to upload the cover photo - this one is free if you only need one.
Then let your photobucket photos fill the description to your hearts content.

I hope this guide helped - if it did please share, comment or read my other articles!

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