Sunday 30 November 2014

John Austen - Art Nouveau Illustrator influenced by Aubrey Beardsley

John Austen

This post looks at one of the Golden Age's least known illustrators and yet one of the most artful.
The Golden Age of Illustration ran from approximately 1870 until 1920 and was a time when books were illustrated with the effort and talent seen in matserpeice artworks. Top nakes included Arthur Rackham and Edmund Dulac. 

John Austen produced relatively few artworks, dedicating his time and skill to each work to truly make it his own. He was heavily influenced by the art-nouveau illustrator Aubrey Beardsley whose works were sometimes macabre and sometimes erotic.

Below are two of the best
example of Austen's works. Maybe these beautiful images will influence you to go in search of his works.


Circa 1920 

 Thanks for reading and I'd love it if you could share this with people who might be interested!


  1. A True image of artistic work shown in all photos. Eye catching name of books really develop the best essay writer interest to the readers for different topics.


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